Selasa, 19 November 2013

Nieman Journalism Lab

Nieman Journalism Lab

OJR: An old web icon ends up repurposed as a spamblog

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 03:02 PM PST

This is a cautionary tale — about what happened to what was once one of the most important websites about journalism on the Internet, and about what happens when you don’t renew your domains on time.

ojr-2002-tiny-screenshotIf you’ve been in the digital news business for a while, it’s likely you have fond memories of OJR, the Online Journalism Review, based at the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School. Starting way back in 1998, OJR was perhaps the best online chronicler of the changes coming to journalism online; as its mission statement put it back then: “Our purpose is to be useful to journalists and anyone interested in where journalism is going in cyberspace.”

paidContent had the business deals, and Romenesko had the memos and job moves, but OJR was great at analyzing what this new medium meant to our old craft. When I started Nieman Lab back in 2008, OJR in its heyday was one of the models I had in mind.

I say “in its heyday” because, at some point along the way, OJR started to feel a little abandoned. The publishing frequency dropped off; the articles became a bit more tips-and-tricks and a bit less analytical. By the end of 2012, the site was posting only one or two new articles a month and it was unclear where it was headed.

In February, OJR announced it was relaunching and shifting towards more of an audience-submission model:

OJR opens a new chapter today with a fresh look and even more of the content you've come to trust. Not only that, but we're looking to involve the greater journalism community in the discussion. We are now accepting submissions from reporters and media observers who can offer keen insight into the future of news.

After that note, though, there were just 12 more posts over the following four months. And after a June 26 piece on The Texas Tribune — silence.

A near-death experience

I can’t truthfully say I noticed at the time — OJR had fallen off my radar some time ago. But when Mark Coddington tweeted September 17 that the site appeared to have disappeared, I felt more than a little sad.

I checked the domain registry for and found that the domain name had expired a few days earlier, on September 11. I emailed someone at USC Annenberg Digital News to alert him about the situation if he didn’t already know — and to say that if USC wasn’t interested in running OJR any more, I’d be interested in helping figure out an afterlife for the site’s archives, which have a lot of really interesting historical material.

“I’d just hate for to point to some spam blog or porn site,” I wrote, saying “there are still people who think there’s a big legacy to be kept behind those three letters.”

He wrote back a quick note to say they were working on the situation. For a brief time, the site seemed to come back — but then it disappeared again.

Comic Sans?!

Fast forward to Friday night, when I thought to check in again and see how was doing. (Why yes, my life is that interesting, thank you!) The news wasn’t good:

The site was up and even had a new article posted — but for some reason it had screwed around with its previous design, switching out its old masthead font (Vast Shadow) for what looked to be the much mocked Comic Sans. It appeared that OJR was going to drag on as a sad ghost of its past. The new article, which I didn’t bother to read, seemed to be something about a Pinterest tool.


OJR logos, from 1998 to the present. That last one looks odd, doesn’t it?

Then, for some reason yesterday — in case it wasn’t yet clear that I care about this old website more than I should — I decided to go back for another look. I looked at that new article, which leads off this way:

If you are familiar with Pinterest and got your attention, today One Flare unveiled its very first, one-of-a-kind Australian version: Home Design Ideas — a design inspiration tool powered by 37,000 Australian home servicing businesses.

Oneflare takes advantage of the technology of the worldwide web to introduce to clients the quickest solutions. The link allows signing-up an account to its official homepage — Oneflare Scrapbooks. With over 90,000 users Oneflare Scrapbooks is launching a web-based scrapbook to the largest community of design enthusiasts in Australia.

My first thought, as an editor, was: “Seriously, guys, it’s either One Flare or Oneflare. Can’t be both.” My second was: “I think you’re missing a word in that first clause.” But my third was: “I know we’re past OJR’s heyday, but this seems unusually lame. And a strange topic for OJR to be dealing with.”

So on a whim, I decided to look up the domain registry information again, just to see how that got resolved. And I saw this:


Someone named Marcus Lim in Australia appeared to have taken over control of Wait — what was in that goofy new story on OJR?

“We’re truly excited about launching Oneflare Scrapbooks”, says Marcus Lim, CEO and co-founder of Oneflare. It represents the next step in home design and home improvement. It combines inspiration with action, allowing users to plan, design and execute their projects, safe in the knowledge that they can do thorough research on any trade professionals they are considering to hire. Every user has access to an extensive network of Australian local businesses they can hire to complete jobs around the home.”

Indeed, Marcus Lim is listed on Oneflare’s website as the company’s CEO and founder. (“Marcus is constantly enhancing Oneflare’s online strategy and product development” — I’ll say!)

marcus lim bio

Signs of subterfuge

So it appeared that Lim (or someone working for him) had obtained control of — presumably just by buying the domain once it had expired, although we don’t know that — and created as close of a facsimile of the old site as he could, with a lot of the old content. Then he’d added one new fresh “article” on November 12 that promoted his product — and hoped that no one would notice.

usc-logoOnce you realize something’s amiss, you can there are plenty of other pieces of evidence something’s wrong with The middle column of the site’s homepage has disappeared; the background has moved from white to gray. All author names have been turned into “admin,” the WordPress default login. Looking under the hood, you find that the USC Annenberg and USC logos at the top of the page have URLs like That /2013/11/ directory structure makes it clear they were uploaded to WordPress just this month, not when the redesign launched in February.

Online Journalism Review — Focusing on the future of digital journalism

The last legitimate version of (left) and the current site (right). (The old site’s masthead was served up using webfonts, which is why the version at the Internet Archive displays it incorrectly.)

ascj-logoSome of the old OJR archives are there, but not all of them. This article from October 2011 is the oldest one on the new, fake; the real had workable archives back to November 2004. (The stuff pre-2004 existed on the old OJR server, but wasn’t in the WordPress install — you had to go hunting for it separately through Google. This 2002 Staci D. Kramer piece on The New York Times’ e-edition — “a viable option for folks who can’t get the Times easily and have Internet access at 128 bps or higher”! — was live until Lim’s switcheroo.)

Interestingly, when I tried to look up’s domain information again a couple hours after my first look, Lim’s name had already been scrubbed using WhoisGuard, which allows domain registrants to hide their identities via a service in Panama. (Don’t worry: I got screenshots.) At this writing, you can still see Lim’s registration info for here, although that may change with time, as Google’s cache refreshes.

In it for the PageRank

So why would someone do this? I have to think there’s only one big reason: search engine optimization., because it’s been around forever, has a good reputation in Google’s eyes; it has a PageRank of 7 out of 10, which gives anything on a leg up in search over pages on lesser sites, all else equal. (And they rarely are equal.) Oneflare’s own website, for instance, only has a PageRank of 4. It’s doubtful in its previous state was getting much web traffic through anything other than search.

There’s nothing morally wrong about grabbing onto an expired domain name and using it for different purposes. (Another great media-about-media site from the old days,, will soon be reborn as something new, for instance.) It’s up to Google to realize what’s happened and adjust PageRank accordingly.

But Lim’s doing far more than reusing a domain name. He’s clearly wrong to pretend that his version of is actually the Online Journalism Review. Putting those USC and USC Annenberg logos on the site is clearly intended to mislead, and almost certainly legally actionable should USC want to send a cease and desist. And Lim certainly does not own the copyright of those hundreds of old articles that he’s copied and reprinted whole.

It’s scummy.

Lessons learned

I called USC Annenberg’s public relations office earlier this afternoon. I was told the key people are traveling and not immediately available; I’ll be sure to update here when I hear back. UPDATE, 9:45 p.m.: I did hear back from USC Annenberg; here’s their statement:

USC Annenberg is taking steps to regain control of Online Journalism Review, after the domain of was allowed to lapse earlier this month. We're proud of the investment we've made into the news outlet over the years — and of all the work so many talented writers and editors have put into it — and hope to continue ownership of it in the future.

I hope, if they can’t wrestle back control of, they push out notice through their Twitter and Facebook pages (last updated June 14) that is no longer under their control and that new content there isn’t to be trusted.

I also tried to call Marcus Lim; I couldn’t get through at the number he left for the domain, but I did reach the Oneflare office. The woman who answered the phone there said Lim and another person who often deals with the press were both unavailable. At her suggestion, I sent them both an email; I’ll be happy to update here if they respond.

UPDATE, 9:45 p.m.: Soon after this post went up, underwent a sudden redesign — removing the OJR archive stories and the USC logos and changing the site name from “Online Journalism Review” to “Online Journal Review.” (I guess they’ll review Moleskines now?) Smart moves! Those take care of the obvious legal problems. They also changed the Comic Sans logo — which was just an aesthetic complaint, not a legal one. They still haven’t return my email or acknowledged their actions. And the site is now solely a spamblog, rather than a spamblog cloaked in an old journalism website. Progress, I guess?

So what can we learn from this debacle?

Renew your domain names. Back in the early days of the web, domain names cost a fair chunk of change. Now they’re $20 at the most, under $10 if you shop around. If you control any domains, do me a favor and go see when they expire. If you want them to live, go to your registrar and (a) buy up a few years of renewal and/or (b) set them to autorenew with a credit card. If USC had done this with, all of this could have been avoided.

Value your archives. There’s often a good financial reason to value what’s in there; Robert Cottrell was right when he said: “I suspect that the wisest new hire for any long-established newspaper or magazine would be a smart, disruptive archive editor. Why just sit on a mountain of classic content, when you could be digging into it and finding buried treasure?”

But beyond the business case, there’s something like a moral responsibility to keep past work on the web as available as we can. So much of the web I remember from the mid 1990s to the mid 2000s is just gone, forever. Brewster Kahle and his essential team at the Internet Archive are basically the only thing keeping our web history alive, and any number of news sites block it from keeping copies of their work. (They just had a fire; give them money.)

If news organizations are going to take their responsibility to inform the public seriously, they can’t be cavalier about letting old stories disappear with every redesign. Breaking old links is a jerk move; erasing years of history is worse. (My offer still stands: I’d be happy to give a good permanent home to the OJR archives, which will have a lot of value to people who study that period in journalism history.)

Don’t be a jerk. That’s Lim’s lesson, hopefully.

Even as they monetize consumer news, the AP says selling content to members is its core business

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 08:00 AM PST

It was March 2008 when Steve Jobs announced that third parties would be allowed to develop apps for the iPhone. Three months later, the Associated Press launched one of the first mobile apps for iOS.

Being ready with an app that quickly would have been a praiseworthy move for any media company, but for the AP, it was something more. Although billed early on as a Mobile News Network, the app essentially became the AP’s flagship consumer-facing product. For a company that has considered selling content to other news outlets its primary business model for 165 years, that’s no small enterprise.

Which is why, a few weeks back, the AP’s senior vice president of products and digital strategy, Jim Kennedy, told AdAge that the AP would begin experimenting with sponsored content on its mobile app and hosted web pages.

This isn’t AP’s first go-round with advertising. The AP began experimenting with display ads in the ’90s, when they first launched a general news service, Kennedy told me in a phone conversation; the mobile app already bears banner ads. About a year ago, someone at a public relations firm reached out to the AP with the suggestion that they try selling sponsored tweets. The AP went for it, and they’ve tried a few branded tweets during major events since the beginning of 2013.

Now, Kennedy says, the AP wants to expand the breadth of its native placement offerings in hopes of continuing to monetize content in new ways: “We’ve tested the waters this year with sponsored tweets. The way we look at it is to pull all of it together, making it possible for a sponsor to be across the whole environment of AP mobile, the websites that we host, and the social accounts.”

As with the sponsored tweets, the AP’s other native ad placements will only appear around major events like the Olympics or Daytona 500, which is when the apps and hosted sites — all but one of which are sports themed — get the most traffic.

“We’re aiming it at big events because we think it’s where we have the most business potential,” says Kennedy. “We don’t want to do native placement for the sake of native placement. If we’re going to do it, we want it to be around events, where a sponsor can take advantage of that situation for its own storytelling, as opposed to just slating in banners’ positions.”

Kennedy is appreciative of what other news outlets — including Forbes, The New York Times, and The Washington Post — are doing with branded content, and says he ultimately thinks the shift towards storytelling in advertising portends good things for the industry.

“I saw a really great example of native advertising in The New Yorker print edition a week ago. A Citibank ad that had a really attractive info graphic about cities around the world. In the back, there was a Citibank ad, but the graphic was really legitimate information. That’s the sort of thing we’re trying to achieve here,” he says.

(If you’re interested, Kennedy added in a follow-up email: “Fine print says Citi got the research and data from the Economist Intelligence Unit, which is another good example of the content marketing phenomenon. Citi sought out help from the custom arm of a major publisher.”)

All of the AP’s sponsored content will either be created by the advertisers themselves or by third parties hired by the AP. Some might also turn to the wire’s visual wing AP Images, which Kennedy says has recently “branched off into custom content development” and could function something like an in-house creative team. He emphasized that no content will be created by AP editorial staff, and that they plan to err “way on the conservative side” when it comes to labeling the sponsored content as such.

AP iPhone tile navKennedy is particularly excited about two opportunities for branded content. “When you open up the app on iOS, you see a tiled navigation scheme. Those tiles can be used as category navigation, but they can also be used as gateways to sponsored content,” he says. So imagine if, instead of sports, there was a custom tile tying a product or service to coverage of the Olympics. The AP is also working on headline positioning as sponsored content, according to Kennedy. In that instance, after clicking through to a category, one of the half dozen headlines that you see would link to a brand post.

He didn’t have as many specifics on what the content would look like on the hosted sites, which include verticals focused on college football, college basketball, auto racing and the NFL. At the same time that these microsites were launched in 2012, the AP also bulit a general news site, called The Big Story, on the same platform with the goal of one day shifting all the AP’s affiliate organizations to the new platform.

“We needed a way to monetize the social traffic to some extent,” says Kennedy. “We’ve pointed our social traffic to the story pages on that site. We don’t really consider it a destination.”

These sites already have widgets, like polls, headlines, photos and power rankings, which member sites can use. Those widgets carry advertising, the revenue from which the AP shares with its affiliates. In theory, the sponsored content could work the same way.

But even with the revenue share, it’s imaginable that the AP’s affiliates, who use AP content to generate their own advertising revenue, would be put off by the AP’s reach into the advertising space. Kennedy said they do get occasional push back from members, but stressed that the native placements would only be sold in very specific, limited circumstances.

“We needed to experiment with new business models. One of the biggest issues that every supplier of content faces today is that the market for news around the world is flat to declining, because it’s being oversupplied by not only traditional suppliers, but by all of our customers syndicating in the marketplace along with us,” he says. “That has an impact on everyone’s ability to sell, and certainly has an impact on price. As we looked forward, we felt as if we needed to have other positions available to us to monetize the content.”

It’s certainly true that everyone is thinking about new ways to monetize content, but does that necessarily mean consumer-facing products for news networks? Reuters, of course, recently scrapped what would have been their project aimed at drawing readers directly to their content. But top-level complaints about Reuters Next appeared to be centered on expense and execution; the company says it retains its goal of raising its profile with a “direct consumer audience.”

If the AP shares the same goals, it’s clear that their route to those consumers, for now, is through mobile. Kennedy says the mobile app’s user base tends to be affluent, highly educated, and younger on the whole than the average news consumer. It’s been downloaded a total of 12.5 million times and receives around 3 million unique views a month; Bill Keller checks it every morning.

“For us, this is a sideline,” says Kennedy. “For the AP, our main business is selling content to other media outlets. We’re only in this for incremental revenue.”

Photo of a currency exchange advertisement in India by AP/Rafiq Maqbool.

How taking cues from Business Insider is making a popular Kenyan website profitable

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 07:00 AM PST

Kenya is attracting a good deal of attention from the Internet-inclined these days. It has seen a new wave of impact investors, entrances by IBM and Google, and musings that the country is primed for Bitcoin.

ghaflaThere’s also buzz around the popular entertainment news site, Ghafla, which is counting more than 1.2 million monthly uniques four years since it launched, according to founder Sam Majani. These metrics make Ghafla the country’s most popular entertainment news site, and Majani says he’s making 13 times what he spends on operations for a profit of over 90 percent.

His secret?

Majani told me he tries to take the best practices from U.S. media companies figuring out their business models. He relies on sponsored content and daily deals and runs a shop that is “very, very lean,” he says. Ghafla’s expenses are low, less than $15,000 per year. Majani says it costs $225 per month for rent and Internet bills combined. He saves some money by sharing a dedicated web server with an uncle, and pays his five employees a few hundred dollars a month apiece. (Though this may seem on par with Kenya’s average annual salary of about $1,700 a year, using average salary as a benchmark in a country that’s home to many of the world’s poorest people is a problematic measure.)

“Everyone at Ghafla gets paid. It’s just that it’s not a lot,” Majani said in a February interview. “On the bright side, I’m positive we’ll be able to pay reasonable salaries by the end of this year.”

That confidence may stem from the fact that Ghafla is netting some $20,000 a month, Majani says. The lion’s share of revenue — about 60 percent — comes from banner-ad deals with major sponsors like the French telecom company Orange and the national utility Kenya Power. Around 20 or 25 percent of revenue comes from sponsored content, especially event posts. About 10 percent comes from running ads on social media, Facebook and Twitter, where his pages have combined followings of nearly 150,000. The rest comes from a “Daily Deals” partnership with a ticket-selling company, which Majani expects will expand.

Ghafla isn’t going to be winning investigative journalim awards any time soon; its bread and butter is entertainment coverage and celebrity gossip, but the site also features event listings, some news, and crowd-sourced lyrics — a hold-over from the site’s origins.

“I got kicked out of college and I was chilling in my room, listening to some song by an artist called Bamboo,” said Majani of why he launched Ghafla in the first place. “Went to Google to look for Bamboo’s lyrics, but only got results for forests.”

In the beginning, the idea was to have celebrity contributors annotate crowd-sourced lyrics, similar to the RapGenius model (the two launched at about the same time in 2009). After a year of slow but consistent growth, traffic was topping out. So he expanded into entertainment news. That proved to be a big hit, and after two years of growing the site and investing about $20,000 of his own money, he had caught the attention of local investors.

Majani got a cash infusion from 88mph, a Google-sponsored venture capital fund in Nairobi, allowing him to expand. That seems to have paid off now, as acquisition offers to the tune of half a million dollars have come in. That’s a lot of money in Kenya, but a lowball deal in Majani’s eyes. In a recent blog post, Majani wrote that Ghafla is now getting 9.5 million pageviews per month.

Diving into sponsored content seemed like a logical step for the growing organization once Majani realized that events listings were generating a lot of revenue for local clubs but club owners weren’t paying anything for the free promotion. So Majani did a test, giving some down-and-out clubs a chance to pay for a sponsored event listing — the idea was to see whether club owners noticed an uptick in attendance after sponsored posts advertised their establishments.

“They experienced full houses after promoting,” Majani told me. “You can’t ignore sponsored stories,” he says.

In the beginning, Majani felt it was okay to blur the lines between sponsored posts and editorial stories to a degree that would make some news organizations uncomfortable. (For instance, this is a paid post, which isn’t particularly clear.) “With online media companies in Africa, you have to compromise,” he told me in May. “That means writing favorable things about entities you may not even be aware of, and sometimes stepping out of our topical focus.” His staff also wrote sponsored posts published on other blogs and news sites.

By August, he said he had changed his mind. He looked into how sites like Business Insider — one of his favorites — and BuzzFeed label their advertising. He decided to follow a similar format, but uses the term “featured” rather than “sponsored” to flag advertising for what it is. (Sponsored posts have a distinct home on the Ghafla homepage — they’re in the blue box on the bottom right.)

Majani’s next big challenge is mobile advertising, especially given Kenya’s high mobile adoption rate and huge stake in the global mobile-money system.

But the mobile advertising business has not blossomed as quickly as Kenya’s M-Pesa mobile banking system, Majani says. Google AdSense for mobile is not yet available in Kenya. Many Kenyans use cheap feature phones, so advertising options are limited by lower-tech devices. Culturally, users are still adapting to the new products and services that smartphones bring.

All this leaves Majani with some imperfect solutions for mobile revenue, even as his mobile traffic numbers soar. At the beginning of the year, he received 20 to 30 percent of his traffic via mobile. As with many news sites, that number is approaching 50 percent now.

Effective mobile advertising in Kenya, he says, will have to work across platforms or media. For example, a recent presidential candidate created an ad that provided users with a dial-in number. When called, users could hear a recording of an ad for the candidate, with options for what to hear. Other advertising solutions integrate with SMS. Future ads might send users location-based text messages.

Finally, Majani is experimenting with some slightly more investigative journalism. “By my calculations, investigative journalism will be a loss making venture, but it’s huge in terms of brand building,” Majani said.

The FT offers up “gift articles” for subscribers

Posted: 18 Nov 2013 06:19 AM PST

On one hand, paywalled outlets offering an exception for subscriber-shared articles isn’t new. But the framing of this — as a “gift article” — is interesting, and plays up the membership-has-its-privileges angle of being an FT subscriber.

The Financial Times has launched a new 'gift article' feature for subscribers which simplifies the sharing of articles with their networks. At launch, the service allows FT subscribers to share up to 10 articles per month through email to non-subscribers.

Rob Grimshaw, managing director of, said: "The gift article is a great example of the tools we are developing to advance our community focus and bring new benefits to subscribers. It is also an important opportunity to further our readership and reach new audiences."

The only downside is that the “gift” only works the first time someone clicks on the link, which means it’s usefulness is basically limited to sharing over email or chat, not over Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere else where the shared-with crowd would number more than one.