Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Nieman Journalism Lab

Nieman Journalism Lab

The plague of uniform rectangles with text overlays spreads further, risks becoming news-web-wide contagion

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 12:05 PM PST

I appreciate Rob Meyer writing this post so I didn’t have to: It seems as though every new news site redesign has a common thread: stories presented as uniform rectangles with a text overlay. (Rob’s piece is really about the boxiness, but the text overlay trend is also approaching Defcon 3.) Bloomberg View’s redesign today prompted it, but there are plenty of others: NBC News, MSNBC, Gothamist, the top of The Verge, the “premium” version of The Dallas Morning News, Vocativ, Digg, Digiday, the less-than-loved new Slate, and more.


It’s not that boxes are new or anything — the entire web is literally built on them. But it’s a clear trend and, I think at least, a slightly dispiriting one. At the same time we’re seeing increased creativity in article page design, we’re seeing a sort of clotted sameness descend upon front pages and section fronts. It encourages the reader to see everything as just another identical widget of content, I fear. And it, in some cases, limits how much text or other cues one can add to tease a story to the reader. Personally, I find them too scannable and too easily ignorable.

Rob suggests responsive design may be a cause; Ethan Marcotte, the guy who, ya know, invented responsive design says no. Far be it from me to dispute Ethan, but I think responsive has generally led to a regularization of front page chunks in order for them to reflow well on phones. And it fits with the cards metaphor we’re seeing everywhere. (Thanks, Pinterest.) But I think the bigger culprit here is the rise of tablets — both because web designers are taking cues from tablet apps and because tablet traffic is growing as a share of total traffic. What does tablet design prize? Big, tappable areas. It’s a kind of buttonization.

Can the quote be a new atomic unit of news? Rookie (no, not that one) tries a new twist on sports

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 09:47 AM PST

L.C. Angell says he builds websites with himself as the target reader. So when Angell, the creator of the highly curated men’s shopping site Uncrate and the viral video site Devour, decided to launch a site covering sports, he had his own interests in mind.

Angell wanted a site that could provide a sports news fix about the leagues he cared about, but which was both more digestible than a traditional 700-word article and which could cut through the noise of Twitter.

Enter Rookie.

First, before you do a spit take: Tavi Gevinson’s much lauded Rookie Magazine hasn’t suddenly shifted its target audience from teen girls to NFL fans. This is rookie.com, not rookiemag.com.

Here’s what a Rookie story looks like: On the left, a big photo and a concise paragraph about its topic, like whether the Detroit Lions’ Matthew Stafford is an elite quarterback. On the right, a half dozen or more quotes — from players, coaches, executives, pundits, or reporters — discussing the topic at hand. In the case of Stafford, Rookie pulled quotes from ex-players like Joe Namath and Troy Aikman, ex-coaches like Jim Schwartz and Mike Ditka, and others. That’s pretty much it: a summary paragraph and a set of quotes. The story as a whole is sharable, but so are each of the individual quotes.


“To me, I just don't even care what my buddies are saying about the game. It’s a waste of time,” Angell said, explaining one way Rookie differs from Twitter. “I want to know what LeBron James thinks about Russell Wilson winning the Super Bowl.

Rookie likes to choose stories that will have a long shelf life, and it keeps updating them with new developments or quotes. A couple weeks ago, it posted a storyline about former Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel and his prospects in the NFL draft. New quotes continue to be added to the post (Jerry Jones thinks he’ll be a star), and it’ll continue to be updated through Draft Day in May. And Angell envisions stories that span years, such as the NFL’s concussion crisis, that could have hundreds of quotes on one page. “That would be an amazing resource to have one URL to that,” he said. (Think of it as a low-friction analog to the recent interest in explainers that unite disparate content into a single, digestible web page.)

A team of four runs the site, and they aggregate the quotes from other news organizations as well as Twitter and Facebook, linking back to the original source.

Since the rise of the web, there’s been a low-voltage, long-lasting discussion around what is or should be the “atomic unit of news.” In a print world, that was an easy discussion: the article. But in the disaggregated online context, is it the fact? The tweet? The listicle item? The Wikipedia-style summary, unbound by news hook constraints?

Could quotes be next? They’ve played a key role in journalism forever, of course; if aggregators assemble bits and pieces of other people’s stories, those stories assemble bits and pieces of other people’s comments. Increasingly, they come direct from the source to the public without a middleman: Think of how many athletes use their Twitter accounts for the sort of comments that previously would have gone through a local beat reporter. Their brevity would seem to line up well with social media. (And, from a business point of view, quotes from public figures don’t come with a price tag.)


Angell is betting the atomic quote has a future, and even wants it to eventually become a platform for athletes to share their thoughts on the sports news of the day without worrying about trolls on Twitter. He said he is not quite yet sure how it would work, but Angell said he has spoken with athletes who have expressed interest in being able to post their thoughts directly to Rookie’s ongoing threads about various topics.

“Twitter is kind of horrible for professional athletes,” Angell said. “In terms of whether they do something good or something bad, these guys can’t even look at their ‘@’ messages, basically is what these guys told me. It makes them mad. They want to respond, and then they look horrible for responding to these things.” (Of course, some use it for inspiration.)

Rookie’s Facebook and Twitter followings are still small, and a search for “@Rookie” on Twitter still brings up more results for Gevinson’s Rookie than for the sports site. (For what it’s worth, Angell says he isn’t concerned with his site getting confused with Gevinson’s: “Our target audience is different enough that there shouldn’t be any confusion.” Rookie editors have also taken to Twitter to defend the name.)

Angell is convinced that Rookie’s choice, timely quotes on the sports news of the day will attract a following. Rookie already covers the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NASCAR, with plans to expand into other pro sports, but not college sports. He says the site’s simple design, which is responsive to mobile devices and tablets (an app is in the works), and its striking photography will help set it apart from other websites in the crowded world of sports media.

The site has launched without ads, but Angell said there will eventually be advertising on Rookie. Still, he said readers are used to overwhelming sports sites like ESPN.com or Bleacher Report and are not accustomed to Rookie’s stripped down design.

“A lot of people, honestly, don’t get it. I had to put a little how-to on the story pages. It’s crazy, but this website is so simple they weren’t used to a simple website.”

National Journal opens a doc library for subscribers

Posted: 25 Feb 2014 07:09 AM PST

An interesting move from last week: National Journal is getting into the database business. The company’s launching a new Document Library, a service that will feature research, white papers, testimony, press releases, and other information that might be useful to people who do business in Washington.

The service will be free to subscribers (with non-subscribers getting a limited version) and will be sourced from government agencies, think tanks, trade groups, and universities. It’s a smart move, similar to other media companies that have tried to leverage data or primary documents as an advantage and possible revenue source. Here’s National Journal president Bruce Gottlieb explaining the library to Folio:

“A big part of their [members and subscribers] job is staying on top of information,” he says. “In many cases the source material is just as useful as a write up. What this allows us to do is give people one place to access a direct source in order to stay on top of fast moving, complicated information.”