Jumat, 05 Juni 2020

“This puts Black @nytimes staff in danger”: New York Times staffers band together to protest Tom Cotton’s anti-protest editorial

Nieman Lab: The Daily Digest

“This puts Black @nytimes staff in danger”: New York Times staffers band together to protest Tom Cotton’s anti-protest editorial

“It has never been my expectation that every piece the New York Times publishes will confirm my personal worldview, but it was also never my expectation The Times would run an op-ed calling for state violence…” By Laura Hazard Owen.

The Philadelphia Inquirer’s journalists of color are taking a “sick and tired day” after “Buildings Matter, Too” headline

“We're tired of shouldering the burden of dragging this 200-year-old institution kicking and screaming into a more equitable age.” By Hanaa' Tameez.
What We’re Reading
Medium / Brad Artziniega
Medium launches newsletters →
It is what it sounds like.
Columbia Journalism Review / Luke Ottenhof
America’s labor crises hit a depleted beat →
“Just as the pandemic has expedited the decline of many news outlets, it's presented new hurdles to labor reporters at the time when their work is most needed. The physical isolation necessitated by the pandemic is uniquely trying for local labor journalists, Juliana Reyes, who covers labor for the Philadelphia Inquirer, says. ‘You're writing about people that live all around you and work in places around you,’ she says. ‘I'm not just calling people in other parts of the country.’ Typically, Reyes would cover worker actions in person, in order to build trust with her sources. Public health measures have made such intimate journalism impossible. In early April, Reyes covered a grocery store workers' action. She had to follow along via Instagram.”
CNN / Hadas Gold
Facebook will start labeling pages and posts from state-controlled media →
“The labels will immediately start appearing on pages belonging to outlets such as state-run Russia Today and China’s Xinhua. Starting next week, users in the United States will start to see the label appear on these outlets’ individual posts — labels that will eventually be introduced in other countries.”
Roll Call / Chris Cioffi
McConnell sets vote for Trump VOA pick, who has ties to Breitbart and Steve Bannon →
“The Senate on Thursday will consider the nomination of conservative filmmaker Michael Pack, who has collaborated with former Breitbart News head Steve Bannon and is being actively investigated by the attorney general for the District of Columbia for alleged self-dealing and self-enrichment.”
Polis / Mattia Peretti
News organizations are collaborating on an “experiment to prototype AI-powered journalistic solutions” →
“News organizations want to work together to discover, test, and demonstrate the potential offered by AI technologies.”
Twipe / Mary-Katharine Phillips
Visualizing churn showed one publisher that readers who received 20 or more notifications were more likely to cancel →
“[Bonnier News Local] also saw that women were churning proportionally more than men; in the first 100 days alone, they lost 10% more women than men. To correct this, they undertook an editorial initiative to understand how they were presenting gender in their articles, so they took actions to write in a more balanced way.”
Current / Grace Vitaglione
Public radio stations are expanding Spanish-language content to provide information about pandemic →
“New Hampshire Public Radio launched ¿Qué Hay de Nuevo, New Hampshire? April 30, a daily five-minute Spanish-language newscast…The station sends text messages with the newscast on WhatsApp providing links for further information, such as places to sign up for coronavirus testing.”
Photographers share what they’ve seen while covering protests across America →
"The activists demanded the police officers read every single name you see on this list. The Lieutenant Chief read every single name on that list. He named everyone from Tyrone West…to Eric Garner to so many others."
Nieman Reports / Issac J. Bailey
George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and one journalist’s painfully honest self-examination on racism →
“Here's the cold, hard, uncomfortable truth: No one in the United States is immune to the influence of white supremacy, not even a black Southerner like me. While it might be difficult for many journalists to accept, it is not a slur to speak that truth aloud.”
The Daily Beast / Maxwell Tani
Business Insider bans and then un-bans employees from donating to protester bail funds →
"Since the meeting, Nich has been preparing to offer further clarification to the newsroom," spokesperson Mario Ruiz said in an email. "He does not want to render judgments about any one 'charitable' organization. Rather, he wants to underscore with the team the need to use their own best judgment as members of a newsroom which of course needs to cover news in an impartial way."